Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Colonel GADDAFI (1942 - )

NEPAD, Dakar, October 9 2004

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi made the following points:

  1. Language: We should rehabilitate African languages by choosing three or four of them, with specific alphabets that are not tied to the Latin alphabet, which deform our native languages. He warned that if we lose our languages we will lose our origins, our roots, and our cultures;
  2. African religion: We should go back to our roots and by that token reach out to our original religions;
  3. African housing: We need to rehabilitate and preserve traditional African shelters because they are suited to our climatic conditions;
  4. African traditions: These should be preserved, including our own cuisine;
  5. Africa's stability: Gaddafi praised the founding fathers of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) who liberated their people from the yoke of colonialism and said power should be handed to the people, who are the sole custodians of legitimacy, through the People's Congresses;
  6. Unity: Africa must unite so as to acquire greater negotiating powers; the leader suggests one minister of trade, one minister of foreign affairs and one defence minister for the whole continent, as well as one African Congress with real powers;

The African Diaspora should assist Africa and contribute to its economic development.

Copyright © 2010 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it in any format; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E-mail notification requested. All other rights reserved. Frank TALKER is also the author of Sweaty Socks: A Treatise on the Inevitability of Toe Jam in Hot Weather (East Cheam Press: Groper Books, 1997) and is University of Bullshit Professor Emeritus of Madeupology.

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